How to Get Organized for Back to School With Name Bubbles Waterproof Name Labels
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Helpful Tips to Prepare for the Upcoming School Year
If you’re sending your kindergartner to school for the first time — or even if you have older kiddos — you might be feeling a little overwhelmed by everything you need to do to get organized for back to school.
Even though I had a preschooler this past year, kindergarten is a whole new ball game.
That’s why I’ve put together this quick little “getting ready for back to school” checklist along with some ways Name Bubbles can help you get organized for the coming school year.

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Name Bubbles.
“Getting Ready for Back to School” Checklist
A few things to think about before the new school year begins:
- Start your “back to school” morning routine ahead of time.
- Start following a bedtime routine ahead of time.
- Get everything ready the night before: clothes, shoes, backpack, etc.
- Select your child’s outfits for a whole week at a time.
- Prepare a healthy breakfast and lunch (unless provided by the school).
- Plan to keep evenings low-key for the first month or two (especially if this is your child’s first ever school year) — the long days can be exhausting.
- Get a school supply list from your child’s school and go shopping!
- Label supplies and clothing with your child’s name.
When it comes to keeping school supplies and clothes organized, we love using Name Bubbles personalized name labels — they’re durable and waterproof, meaning they still stick to your clothing or dishes even after multiple washes.
You can either read our full review here, or you can scroll down to find out how you can use these name labels to get organized for back to school.
Using Name Bubbles to Get Organized for Back to School
Here’s how you can get organized for back-to-school with Name Bubbles labels.
1. Label your child’s backpack.
Avoid backpack mix-ups with peel and stick name labels to ensure your child comes home with the correct backpack at the end of the day.
(If you have safety concerns, I would suggest placing the sticker in an inconspicuous spot — I put my daughter’s on the inside of her backpack.)
2. Put them on their clothing.
When it comes to clothing, you have some options: iron-on clothing labels or stick on clothing labels. If you select stick on labels, you also get to choose between those that stick to a tag or those that stick to a brand stamp.
3. Stick them inside shoes.
Even with everyday use, the shoe labels hold up surprisingly well. Plus the little kids labels can help them learn right from left as they pair shapes together.

6. Label lunch boxes and water bottles.
Because Name Bubbles are washable, you can stick them to lunch boxes, water bottles, and plastic containers — and they won’t come off when you run them through the dishwasher.
5. Put them on school supplies.
School supplies are prone to mix-ups, but you can keep your child’s things organized by labeling them with their own personalized name labels.
6. Keep your child safe with medical labels.
Does your kiddo have food allergies? Are they diabetic? Use their medical labels as an alert to keep your child safe — you can even put your contact information on them in case of an emergency.
Hopefully now you’re feeling a little more prepared for the start of the school year, and a little less overwhelmed about keeping your kid’s things organized.
If you haven’t already ordered Name Bubbles for labeling school supplies, make sure to check out the school value packs — you’ll get a variety of labels for a great price. (Use coupon code WRITERMOM for a 10% discount!)
Read more:
5 Ways Name Bubbles Personalized School Supply Labels Will Change Your Life
What to Pack for Preschool (Checklist for Parents of 3-5 Year Olds)
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